We look forward to provide you with the latest transportation engineering news and information.
Please use this website to find out more about the Greater Vancouver Section as well as the UBC and the BC Interior chapters.
Latest News
01.16.2010 :: 2010 Greetings from the Executive
Happy New Year to all ITE Greater Vancouver Section members and friends! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and wish you and your family a very cheerful and successful 2010.
This year, the 2010 ITE Greater Vancouver Section Executives are:
2010 will be a special year for Vancouver and the Greater Vancouver Section. With the upcoming Winter Olympics, the Vancouver metropolitan area will be very much in the limelight, including the many transportation-related issues and measures related to the games. Many members of our Section will have had a great impact on addressing these challenges. To have an influence on a once-in-a-lifetime event is certainly rewarding.
The 2010 ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibit will be in Vancouver from August 8 to 11 at the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre. This is the largest event for ITE, and will be held in conjunction with the CITE Annual Meeting. It is an honour to be the host city for this event, as it is not held in Canada that often. Details for the Annual Meeting will be provided in the coming months. As the Section of the host city, we encourage you to participate in this event and make our presence felt.
Throughout the coming year, the ITE Greater Vancouver Section will be bringing you events such as our usual monthly meetings (with the first one slated for late March to avoid Olympic-related activities). These events are a great way to network with fellow transportation professionals and to enhance your professional developments outside your work place. We also provide various services and announcements on our website and e-mail notices, including our free job posting page. In addition, the BC Interior Chapter will host events to further promote and enhance the transportation industry outside of the Lower Mainland. The UBC ITE Student Chapter will once again encourage students to consider transportation engineering or planning as their career, starting with the upcoming UBC ITE Student Chapter Mini-Conference (scheduled for March).
As always, we encourage you to let us know any comments or ideas that you have regarding the type of events that you would like us to provide. Just send us an email at itevancouversection@gmail.com or talk to us at one of the monthly meetings. Please also check us out at http://www.citevancouver.org to get the latest information about our events. We look forward to seeing old and new faces throughout the coming year and making 2010 a success.
01.16.2010 :: Congratulations Charlotte and Daniel Watson
Our treasurer Charlotte Watson and husband Daniel welcomed a new daughter (Beatrix) on December 11th, 2009. On behalf of all Greater Vancouver Section ITE members, the Section Executive wishes to congratulate you!
01.16.2010 :: Updating our Email Contact List
Our email contact list is our primary tool to reach out to the membership and engineering community. If you know someone who would like to get future section emails, please have them email their name and phone number to Secretary@citevancouver.org and they will be added to our distribution list. If you are receiving this email but would like to be removed from our list, please send a message to the same address with the subject line "REMOVE FROM ITE DISTRIBUTION LIST".
12.30.2009 :: First Ever UBC ITE Mini-Conference - March 23, 2021
The UBC ITE Student Chapter in conjunction with the Greater Vancouver ITE Section is pleased to announce the first ever UBC ITE Mini-Conference. This mini-conference will be replacing the normal UBC Industry Night. It is expected to be a half-day event open to both students and professionals and will be held on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Stay tuned for more details in 2010!
12.06.2021 :: 2009 Annual General Meeting & Awards Dinner
November 18, 2009, Steamworks Restaurant
Thank you to all of you who showed up to attend the 2009 ITE Greater Vancouver Section Awards Dinner and Annual General Meeting. Overall it was a fun night filled. Photos from the meeting will be on our website shortly.
Congratulations again to the award recipients: Associated Engineering Ltd, Collings Johnston Inc., and TransLink for the Bill Curtis Project of the Year award; Peeter Liivamagi for the Lifetime Achievement Award; and Sany R. Zein for the Outstanding Professional Award. Special thanks go to Gene Chartier and Peter Truch from the CITE Executive for attending our meeting.
For your information, the 2010 ITE Greater Vancouver Executives are:
President: Kanny Chow
Vice-President: Matthew Chan
Secretary: Stephanie McNeely
Treasurer: Charlotte Bathurst
Past-President: Thomas Kwan
Webmaster: William Hui
Happy New Year to all ITE Greater Vancouver Section members and friends! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and wish you and your family a very cheerful and successful 2010.
This year, the 2010 ITE Greater Vancouver Section Executives are:
- President: Kanny Chow, Opus International
- Vice-President: Matthew Chan, Delcan Corporation
- Secretary: Stephanie McNeely, Dillon Consulting
- Treasurer: Charlotte Bathurst, Opus International
- Immediate Past President: Thomas Kwan, Transport Canada
- Webmaster: William Hui, TransLink
2010 will be a special year for Vancouver and the Greater Vancouver Section. With the upcoming Winter Olympics, the Vancouver metropolitan area will be very much in the limelight, including the many transportation-related issues and measures related to the games. Many members of our Section will have had a great impact on addressing these challenges. To have an influence on a once-in-a-lifetime event is certainly rewarding.
The 2010 ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibit will be in Vancouver from August 8 to 11 at the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre. This is the largest event for ITE, and will be held in conjunction with the CITE Annual Meeting. It is an honour to be the host city for this event, as it is not held in Canada that often. Details for the Annual Meeting will be provided in the coming months. As the Section of the host city, we encourage you to participate in this event and make our presence felt.
Throughout the coming year, the ITE Greater Vancouver Section will be bringing you events such as our usual monthly meetings (with the first one slated for late March to avoid Olympic-related activities). These events are a great way to network with fellow transportation professionals and to enhance your professional developments outside your work place. We also provide various services and announcements on our website and e-mail notices, including our free job posting page. In addition, the BC Interior Chapter will host events to further promote and enhance the transportation industry outside of the Lower Mainland. The UBC ITE Student Chapter will once again encourage students to consider transportation engineering or planning as their career, starting with the upcoming UBC ITE Student Chapter Mini-Conference (scheduled for March).
As always, we encourage you to let us know any comments or ideas that you have regarding the type of events that you would like us to provide. Just send us an email at itevancouversection@gmail.com or talk to us at one of the monthly meetings. Please also check us out at http://www.citevancouver.org to get the latest information about our events. We look forward to seeing old and new faces throughout the coming year and making 2010 a success.
01.16.2010 :: Congratulations Charlotte and Daniel Watson
Our treasurer Charlotte Watson and husband Daniel welcomed a new daughter (Beatrix) on December 11th, 2009. On behalf of all Greater Vancouver Section ITE members, the Section Executive wishes to congratulate you!
01.16.2010 :: Updating our Email Contact List
Our email contact list is our primary tool to reach out to the membership and engineering community. If you know someone who would like to get future section emails, please have them email their name and phone number to Secretary@citevancouver.org and they will be added to our distribution list. If you are receiving this email but would like to be removed from our list, please send a message to the same address with the subject line "REMOVE FROM ITE DISTRIBUTION LIST".
12.30.2009 :: First Ever UBC ITE Mini-Conference - March 23, 2021
The UBC ITE Student Chapter in conjunction with the Greater Vancouver ITE Section is pleased to announce the first ever UBC ITE Mini-Conference. This mini-conference will be replacing the normal UBC Industry Night. It is expected to be a half-day event open to both students and professionals and will be held on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Stay tuned for more details in 2010!
12.06.2021 :: 2009 Annual General Meeting & Awards Dinner
November 18, 2009, Steamworks Restaurant
Thank you to all of you who showed up to attend the 2009 ITE Greater Vancouver Section Awards Dinner and Annual General Meeting. Overall it was a fun night filled. Photos from the meeting will be on our website shortly.
Congratulations again to the award recipients: Associated Engineering Ltd, Collings Johnston Inc., and TransLink for the Bill Curtis Project of the Year award; Peeter Liivamagi for the Lifetime Achievement Award; and Sany R. Zein for the Outstanding Professional Award. Special thanks go to Gene Chartier and Peter Truch from the CITE Executive for attending our meeting.
For your information, the 2010 ITE Greater Vancouver Executives are:
President: Kanny Chow
Vice-President: Matthew Chan
Secretary: Stephanie McNeely
Treasurer: Charlotte Bathurst
Past-President: Thomas Kwan
Webmaster: William Hui
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