2009 ITE Quad Conference Registration

Registration Information
Welcome to the registration site for the 2009 ITE Quad Conference! Below you will find an online registration form to complete. Please follow the instructions on the screen.

Registration Package Information

All delegates to the 2009 ITE Quad Conference are required to register for the conference and pay the required registration fees. Please use the form below to register for the conference and to submit payment for registration fees. The registration fee includes the following:
  • Access to all technical sessions and trade show area, including coffee breaks during the conference
  • One (1) Breakfast Ticket for Friday, May 1
  • One (1) Lunch Ticket for Friday, May 1
  • One (1) Social Ticket for the Dinner Cruise on Friday, May 1
Additional tickets for your spouse or companion(s) may be purchased (see step 3 in the registration form below).

The following are NOT included in the registration fee:
  • Tickets for technical tours (These may be purchased for yourself and your spouse / companions - please see step 3 in the registration form below)
  • Meals on Saturday, May 2 (Exception: Speakers and Moderators will be provided with breakfast on May 2)

Registration Notes
  • Speakers and moderators do NOT receive a discount on the conference fees.
  • You can only register one delegate at a time. This is done so that the registration committee can capture fully the required information from each delegate.
  • Credit card payments accepted, but only through PayPal (online payment). We do not have the capacity to process credit card payments through the mail.
  • Online payment is done through PayPal. They accept major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, AMEX. Delegates are not required to have a PayPal account to submit payment online.
  • Payments via cheque can only be submitted in Canadian funds.
  • Don't forget to book your accommodations - read more about the process at the accommodations page.
  • Questions about the registration process should be directed to Quad2009_Registration@citevancouver.org.

Technical Notes
  • The registration page is optimized for Mozilla FireFox 3.0.5 but should also be compatible with Internet Explorer 7.
  • Please enable Javascript on your browser.
  • Do not use the browser's navigation (back and forward) buttons once you submit the registration form.
  • Technical issues should be brought to the attention of Webmaster@citevancouver.org.

Step 1: Enter Personal Information

Please enter your information in the fields below. All fields are required, with the exception of those with italicized headings.

The information of the following form should reflect the delegate attending the conference, not the credit card holder. The credit card holder information will be retrieved separately by PayPal.

First Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Name for Name Badge:
  If you leave this field blank, your name badge will show the names you entered into the two preceding fields.
Job Title:
Contact Address:
Province / State:
Postal / Zip Code:
Daytime Phone:
Confirm E-mail:
  * Please ensure your email is correct as this will be used to communicate important conference news to you.
Your information will only be used for communication purposes for the Quad 2009 Conference and will not be shared with any other party or used for any other purpose.
Additional Information:
  Please list any dietary restrictions, allergies, or special requests in the above field.

Step 2: Select Membership Status

This section helps determine your registration fee. Please indicate if you are an ITE member, a student member, or a non-member. This information is necessary to calculate the appropriate registration fees for your level of membership. The registration fee include:
  • Access to all technical sessions and trade show area, including coffee breaks during the conference
  • One (1) Breakfast Ticket for Friday, May 1
  • One (1) Lunch Ticket for Friday, May 1
  • One (1) Social Ticket for the Dinner Cruise on Friday, May 1

Speakers and moderators do not receive a discount on registration fees.
However, speakers and moderators will be provided with breakfast on Saturday, May 2.

Member ($250) Non-Member ($295) Student ($75)
If you are an ITE member, please enter your ITE membership number:

Step 3: Purchase Additional Tickets

This section allows you to purchase additional tickets for your spouse or companions that are not included with your basic registration fee (enter the attendee(s)' names in the applicable boxes under 'Attendees'). Please note that the purchase of additional tickets must be done during registration - you cannot purchase additional tickets outside of the registration process. You may skip this step if you do not need any additional tickets.

Additional Meal Tickets
  • Your registration fee includes one (1) meal ticket for breakfast and one (1) meal ticket for lunch on Friday, May 1.
  • The dinner cruise on Friday, May 1 is considered part of the social program. Please see the next section to purchase tickets for this event.
  • The conference will not be providing meals to general delegates on Saturday, May 2.
  • Speakers and moderators will be provided with a breakfast on Saturday, May 2. Tickets cannot be purchased for this breakfast.
  • Please indicate any dietary restrictions or allergies using the "Additional Information" field in step 1.
Additional Social Tickets
  • Your registration fee includes one (1) ticket for the dinner cruise on Friday, May 1.
  • Please indicate any dietary restrictions or allergies using the "Additional Information" field in step 1.
Technical Tour Tickets
  • Your registration fee does NOT include any technical tour tickets.
  • Please see the technical tour page for details of the tours.
  • Space for technical tours is limited. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. If a tour is full, it will be noted below.
  • Each delegate can only purchase a maximum of two tickets per technical tour.

Step 4: Review Total and Select Payment Method

Total Cost (Canadian $):


You may submit your payment either by submitting a cheque in the mail or by paying online via PayPal. More detailed instructions will be provided at a later step. Please indicate below which option you prefer:
Cheque (Send through mail, cheque must be in Canadian funds and made payable to ITE Greater Vancouver Section.)
Credit Card (Online payment through PayPal, you don't have to register with Paypal to pay online)

Step 5: Review Refund Policy

Please review and accept the following refund policy. You must accept the refund policy to register for the conference.

I agree with the above refund policy.


Countdown to Quad 2009


Sign up for Quad Updates by E-mail!

First name:
Last name:

Images courtesy of Tourism Vancouver.