Technical Tours
During the conference, delegates will have the opportunity to attend the technical tours listed below. Sign up for technical tours during the registration process (see registration page). Don't delay - space on technical tours is limited and will be assigned on a first come first served basis!
Time: Thursday, April 30, PM
Come and hear Robin Petri talk about how this exciting new development will be a leading model of sustainability in North America. Built on the last remaining tract of undeveloped waterfront land near downtown Vancouver, SEFC will be the future site of the Vancouver Olympic Village during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. After the 2010 Winter Games, SEFC will become permanent residential housing, with a focus on housing for families, a new Civic Centre, daycares, a non-motorized boating facility and more!
During the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games the City of Vancouver will host a transportation showcase project, reintroducing the StreetCar to Vancouver streets. From January 21 to March 21, 2010, a demonstration streetcar project - The Olympic Line - Vancouver’s 2010 StreetCar - will run between Granville Island and the new Canada Line Olympic Village Station at West 2nd Avenue and Cambie Street. State-of-the-art Flexity Outlook StreetCars will be provided and operated by Bombardier Transportation for the 60-day demonstration project, on loan from Brussels, Belgium. Reconstruction of the Downtown Historic Railway (the "DHR") tracks is underway to accommodate the demonstration project.
The Southeast False Creek (SEFC) and Olympic Village tour will cover an overview over the 3D models at the Project Office, followed by a walking tour of the new waterfront which runs right alongside the active construction site. The StreetCar tour will include an overview of the project and a short visit to the site to see the current state of the work as well as a tour of the historic vehicles.
Please note that hard hats, safety boots, high visibility vests are required for this tour. Tour participants are responsible for providing these items themselves. Failure to adhere to these health and safety requirements will result in not being allowed to participate in the tour with no refund.
Time: Thursday, April 30, PM
SNC-Lavalin has a contact for the total engineering, procurement and construction of an approximately 18 km light rail line with 16 stations linking downtown Vancouver with the international airport in Richmond and Richmond City Centre. The Canada Line, which is due to be complete in 2009, will improve existing light rail lines, bus services, commuter rail, sea bus and the airport. The line is fully automated, driverless system that will use rotary-driven metro-type vehicles, and has eight underground, six elevated and two at-grade stations, as well as an operations and maintenance centre. The tour will showcase a portion of the Canada Line depending on the stage of the project and status of the various construction sites along the line.
Time: Thursday, April 30, PM
For the tour, guests would have the opportunity to view the inner workings of the world’s longest fully-automated light rail system; SkyTrain. The tour would include a visit to the main shop areas for the system, including inspection and cleaning facilities and some of the ancillary shop spaces, such as wheel, brake and electronics shops. Guests would be given information on the unique propulsion system for the trains and the communications network that keeps the fleet in constant contact throughout each trip. The tour would conclude with an opportunity to spend some time at the very heart of this Canadian developed technology; the system control room. Inside the control room, a staff of seven persons remotely operate a fleet of 210 rail cars. Coupling, decoupling trains, routing through the maintenance yard all while carrying more than 240,000 riders each day. Since opening in 1986, SkyTrain has safely carried over 1 Billion riders in the Metro Vancouver region.
Please note that sensible shoes, e.g. no high heels, are required for the tour.
Time: Saturday, May 2, PM
The Carrall Street Greenway is a significant public realm feature that will link False Creek to Burrard Inlet and complete the seawall walking and cycling loop around Downtown Vancouver and Stanley Park. The Greenway focuses on accommodating all non-motorized users including cyclists, pedestrians, rollerbladers, runners and other non-motorized recreational users. It is also a strategic initiative intended to focus public realm improvements and private investment along the Carrall Street corridor to attract visitors to the area and stimulate business activities while providing improved neighbourhood areas and employment opportunities for Downtown Eastside residents.
The tour will consist of a short overview of the project followed by a walking tour. Participants on this tour will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with several of the design professionals their experiences in designing this urban greenway. Discussion topics include:
- Design considerations and constraints
- Design features
- Implementation and construction challenges
Copyright © 2009 Greater Vancouver section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
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